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Ukraine limits the amount of morphine terminally ill people living at home can receive to just 50 milligrams of morphine per day, a fraction of the allowable dose in Western countries. Worse, the drug is only available through injection, and must be administered by a visiting nurse or doctor — a painful and often inconsistent process. […]


limits the amount of morphine terminally ill people living at home can receive to just 50 milligrams of morphine per day, a fraction of the allowable dose in Western countries. Worse, the drug is only available through injection, and must be administered by a visiting nurse or doctor — a painful and often inconsistent process. The result is that many Ukrainians spend their final days needlessly suffering.

With little relief in sight, at least one courageous man has decided to deliver morphine to such patients themselves. The way he sees it, the benefits of his actions far outweigh the risks involved.

Artur: A Hero Dies Alone

Sergey: Breaking the Law to Ease the Pain


A former KGB agent in Ukraine dying of end-stage prostate cancer sleeps with a gun under his pillow, in case the pain gets unbearable.


Why a young Ukrainian man risks imprisonment delivering morphine to terminally ill patients in their homes.

Copyright © 2012 University of British Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. All rights reserved.
Generous support provided by the Mindset Social Innovation Foundation and the MITACS Accelerate Project.