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Uganda stands as a model for palliative care in Africa, even despite the small, war-torn country’s limited medical resources. In 2000, it became the first country in the world to declare palliative care an essential service for its citizens. And since 2004, it has allowed nurses to prescribe and administer morphine to patients in their […]


stands as a model for palliative care in Africa, even despite the small, war-torn country’s limited medical resources. In 2000, it became the first country in the world to declare palliative care an essential service for its citizens. And since 2004, it has allowed nurses to prescribe and administer morphine to patients in their homes.

Uganda’s success in treating patients would not have been possible without Dr. Anne Merriman. Internationally recognized for her work in palliative care, Merriman in the early 1990s was invited to Uganda to help establish a hospice program. She made liquid morphine an integral part of the program’s approach to pain management. Hospice Africa Uganda also trains nurses on how to administer the drug, and has so far helped them ease the suffering of more than 18,000 patients.

The Uganda Model: The Right to Hospice for All


Traditional Healers: A Proud Tradition


Controlling Pain with Acupuncture: An Experiment in Uganda


How Dr. Anne Merriman helped Uganda become a model for palliative care in Africa.


For some in Uganda, pain remedies are not found in a bottle.


How a clinic in Uganda is using acupuncture to treat pain.

Copyright © 2012 University of British Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. All rights reserved.
Generous support provided by the Mindset Social Innovation Foundation and the MITACS Accelerate Project.